(LITITZ, Pa-LititzDailyNews.com) – While some families were busy making quarantine Tik-Toks, LCBC Church worship leaders Matt and Kim Goss and four of their children gathered around a keyboard last week in their home in Lititz, Pennsylvania and belted out a We the Kingdom song, then watched their video go viral in a matter of days. It’s received over 3/4 of a million views to date. Their solid solos and family harmonies have inspired people to watch, and then watch again. Many viewers even sing along.
On Sunday night the Goss family posted a second song cover in response to viewer requests, and it’s already being widely shared and moving listeners to tears. VIDEO IS BELOW, AT END OF ARTICLE.
The message of the song “Yes I Will,” made popular by Vertical Worship, is fitting for a nation grieving the loss of over 55,000 lives during the coronavirus pandemic. And the family’s reach is now extending around the globe.
“Your video has found me in the Dominican Republic where I am a missionary. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with all of us and lifting us all up!!! Many blessings on you! Can’t wait for Volume 3,” wrote Rebecca Jacobs.

The Goss Family finishes video #2.
I count on one thing
The same God that never fails
Will not fail me now
You won’t fail me now
“Thank you for sharing! ❤️ The joy in your worship is evident and a good kind of contagious!” commented Judy Ashley.
For those whose loved ones are seriously ill or in a coma, most for weeks at a time on a ventilator, the song is a timely encouragement to patiently persist in faith.
In the waiting
The same God who’s never late
Is working all things out
You’re working all things out
It’s a song that reminds of God’s timeliness, in the middle of extended business closures, job loss, and stay-at-home orders that keep getting extended.I count on one thing
The same God that never fails
Will not fail me now
You won’t fail me now
“Incredible!! Beautiful voices!! Beautiful family!! Watching with my 6-yr old we both cried!” wrote Shannon Kulma Skaf.
For those waiting for healing, a stimulus check, or unemployment payment as they are faced with rent payments and bills that they don’t know where the money is coming from to pay, the words are powerful.
In the waiting
The same God who’s never late
Is working all things out
Is working all things out
With unemployment at its highest levels in decades, and death being discussed and dealt with on a daily basis, it is a song about singing out despite one’s circumstances.Oh, yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
For all my days, oh yes I will
For all my days, oh yes, I will
And I choose to praise
To glorify, glorify…
(Song by: Eddie Hoagland, Mia Fieldes, Jonathan Smith)
While some are looking forward to the next song, others are hoping for an entire “quarantine album.”
Kim Goss hasn’t ruled out that possibility. With the Pennsylvania stay-at-home-order in effect through at least May 8, they may have time to record a few more tunes. Follow the Goss Family on YouTube and subscribe for free to be notified of future video releases.
In the meantime, enjoy the Goss Family Quanantune #2, “Yes I Will.”
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Lynn Rebuck is the editor and publisher of award-winning LititzDailyNews.com, the only independent digital news source in Lititz. Lynn is an award-winning photojournalist who was invited to the White House and has received top recognition from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association, Pennsylvania Women’s Press Association, National Society of Newspaper Columnists, and has been profiled in Editor & Publisher magazine for her unparalleled dedication to publishing LititzDailyNews.com to benefit the community.