Accepted into Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association was recently welcomed as an online member of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association, the official trade organization for news media companies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The organization made the announcement in their publication to members, Headlines and Deadlines, published electronically on October 23.
“It is an honor for to be admitted into membership with this distinguished organization,” said Lynn Rebuck, editor and publisher of “The resources that membership in PNA provides to our publication have already been of direct and immediate benefit to our readers and to the community of Lititz.” was selected for membership following rigorous review of published online content and traffic statistics. Over 13,000 unique readers have visited to read breaking news, sports, and special event coverage in the online publication, which is updated frequently. The site began publishing less than two months ago and has already gained a growing following of loyal readers.
“The Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association continues to affirm the value of online-only publications to our local communities throughout the Commonwealth through increasing acceptance of online-only news sites into membership,” said Rebuck.
The mission of the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association is to advance the business interests of Pennsylvania news media companies and to promote a free and independent press, according to their site.
“It has been wonderful to receive emails from readers expressing their gratitude for and how it provides them with an alternate source of news in the community,” said Rebuck. features articles with multiple hi-resolution photos, incorporates the use of video, and strives to present issues of local interest in a fair and balanced manner.

The Pennsylvania NewsMedia logo is now displayed on the home page of to represent membership in the trade organization.
Membership in the PNA will also enable to participate in conferences and professional contests for online newspapers. Rebuck has previously received recognition for excellence in journalism from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association.