NOTE: Some churches in this article which were open at the time of publication have since closed temporarily or ceased holding mass or services. This list is being updated. Churches may contact us at [email protected] to update.
(Lititz, an unprecedented attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19, many churches around the world, including many in the Lititz area, are closing their doors, canceling services, and telling the faithful to stay home.
“We acknowledge that this is a drastic step, but it is the kind of step that is needed for the eradication of this virus,” Lititz Moravian pastor Dean Jurgen wrote in a letter to the congregation posted on the church website. “It is a Lenten sacrifice reminding us of Jesus’ journey to the cross, a choice that is tough to do, yet a blessing to all.”
Lititz Moravian has cancelled all functions until after March 29, though a service through a Moravian organization will be available for worshippers to watch from home.
In the interim, Pastor Jurgen urges individuals and families to spend time together in study, worship, and prayer for the world, to continue to care for one another by placing calls those who are missed, and supporting those facing extra hardships.
“We are the church, the beloved of the Lord, and we will walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fearing no evil because the Shepherd guides us through, and out of the valley,” he wrote.
Grace Church in Lititz announced it will have only online services which will be broadcast live at 9 a.m. this Sunday and next in response to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s request to suspend activities where more than 250 are present. To accommodate those unable to watch in real time, an archived video of the service will be posted immediately afterwards. Click here to watch online.

A sign at Lititz Trinity provides reassurance amid shortages, closures, and cancellations resulting from COVID-19 on March 17, 2020. Photo by Lynn Rebuck/
In his letter notifying worshipers, Dr. Tim Boal, Grace’s lead pastor, urged worshipers to “use these next few weeks to remind your neighbors of Jesus, and why they do not need to fear.”
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Victory Church pastor Curt Seaburg echoed similarly sentiments renouncing fear in a letter to his congregation.
“We have made a very difficult decision, not operating out of fear, but instead, we are praying and trusting in the Lord and operating out of caution and love for our communities,” Seaburg wrote. He encouraged his flock to read, ponder, and pray over one verse in particular – 2 Timothy 1:7, which reads “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
Victory Church, which has six campuses in Lancaster County, announced that it will hold online services only for the next two Sundays, March 15 and 22, at the usual times, 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Presently the office will remain open, and small groups and student ministries will continue as scheduled. To watch the Victory Church livestream, on their website, click here. To watch on Facebook, click here.
One of the few churches in the area still holding services this Sunday is Hopeland United Methodist Church in Lititz.
“Sunday morning church is not cancelled,” Paul Miller, senior pastor, wrote on the church Facebook page. “The church doors will be open for worship. Those who opt to stay home are encouraged to access archived sermons, and Sunday’s sermon will be uploaded. Click here to listen to the archive.
United Methodist churches in others parts of the country have chosen a different course for worship. Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky directed “the local churches of any size and other ministries in the states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington to suspend in-person worship and other gatherings of more than 10 people for the next two weeks, starting today,” according to the United Methodist News Service.
Palm Sunday is April 5, and Easter Sunday April 12 this year. With Holy Week quickly approaching in, one of the most sacred seasons in the Christian faith, church leaders and believers must decide whether it is wise to gather in large groups. Churches typically see attendance swell beyond normal numbers during the Easter holiday.
LOCAL CHURCH SERVICES and BROADCASTS: (THIS LIST WILL BE UPDATED AS NEW INFO IS OBTAINED. To list your church, message us through the Facebook page.)
Crossroads Community Fellowship-No info provided at time of publication, please check back.
Faith UMC-Church is open, Sunday service will be held. Average attendance is 75.
Grace Church in Lititz: Activities as scheduled. Services: Online only for March 15 & 22, broadcast live at 9 a.m. Archived video of the service posted immediately afterwards. Click here to watch online.
Hopeland United Methodist Church in Lititz. Activities, service: as scheduled. Sunday school: check with your teacher. Sermon later posted online. Click here to listen.
Hosanna! A Fellowship of Christians-Services will be held as scheduled.
Lancaster Independent Baptist Church-No info provided at time of publication, however the church live streams all of its Sunday services on their YouTube channel.
Lancaster Evangelical Free Church (LEFC): Activities: All activities cancelled at the church for the next two weeks. Worship services: LEFC will not be open to the public for the next two Sundays, March 15 and 22. Services will be will be broadcast live from the facility the next two Sundays at 10 a.m. To view livestream, click here.
Life Church Lititz: No services this Sunday. “But don’t forget to love one another, wash your hands, and be wise out there,” reads the announcement on the church’s site.
LifeSpring Fellowship: Services: This Sunday church is still on at 10:30 a.m. with strict enforcement of the wellness policy in the children’s ministry. “You and I need to trust God. This coronavirus was not a surprise to him,” said the church’s pastor, John Knudsen, in a video posted to their Facebook page. Sunday message will be posted online Monday morning.
Lititz Church of the Brethren: All services suspended until further notice.
Lititz Moravian Church: Activities: all church functions cancelled until after March 29. The Moravian Mission Gift Shop will also be closed. Access: The church office will remain open, but asks that individuals call first before coming. The church office may be reached at 717-626-8515. Services: This Sunday, March 15, there will be an online worship service available, starting at 11 a.m. EDT, through. Moravian Church Without Walls (MCWW). To access live stream, click here.
Lititz Trinity-No services. Church is closed. No livestream. Peanut butter egg production postponed.
Oregon Community UMC-Church is planning to continue holding Sunday School at 8 a.m. and Sunday morning Worship Services at 9 a.m., but with adaptations to minimize physical contact and touching shared surfaces. “Because we are a smaller congregation, we are able to continue offering services for those who would like to attend,” Pastor Jason Perkowski wrote on the church’s Facebook page. The average attendance is 20 people.
Salem Lutheran Church-Service will be live-streamed services from the home chapel of Pastor Hans Becklin and his wife, Pastor Marissa Becklin (Faith United, Denver, Pa.) at 9:30 a.m. It will be a full liturgy, with hymns, readings, prayers, and the celebration of Holy Communion. Live stream services here. In addition, starting Monday, March 16, the church will offer daily study and prayer at 1p.m, participate online or by phone. Click here to join the video chat.
St. Luke’s United Church of Christ-No info provided at time of publication, please check back.
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church- Worship at 8:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. A third service has been added at 9:30 a.m. to spread out those who attend and maximize the space available for people. Church offers dial-in service by phone. To take part, call1-267-866-0999, then enter the PIN: 5675 40 7707. Services will last around 45 minutes. The service will be a service of the Word without Holy Communion. Offering baskets available on the way out of church, donations also accepted online. Cancelled: Sunday School, Adult faith formation classes, and adult forum, all outside groups (Scouts, Yoga, Oola) will not meet next week.
St. James Catholic Church-UPDATE: Mass is now canceled throughout the Diocese of Harrisburg.All regularly scheduled masses will remain open to the public for those who wish to attend, and live streamed for those who don’t. “Effective immediately and until further notice, Bishop Ronald W. Gainer, in union with the Bishops of Pennsylvania, has dispensed the faithful of the Diocese of Harrisburg from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass,” according to the church website.
UZMC-no info provided by time of publication, please check back.
Word of Life Mennonite Fellowship-no info provided by time of publication, please check back.
The CDC urges individuals at high risk to pay attention to what’s happening locally in their community and if the disease is spreading in the community, stay home, and avoid crowds as much as possible. Follow LititzDaily on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for frequent updates to this evolving community health concern. Message us on the Facebook page with any news tips.
Lynn Rebuck is the editor and publisher of award-winning, the only independent digital news source in Lititz. Lynn is an award-winning journalist who was invited to the White House and has received top recognition from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association, Pennsylvania Women’s Press Association, National Society of Newspaper Columnists, and has been profiled in Editor & Publisher magazine for her unparalleled devotion to publishing to benefit the community. Support continued publication of with your non-tax-deductible donation of any amount through the PayPal button below.