(Harrisburg, PA – LititzDailyNews.com) – Governor Tom Wolf today urged all Pennsylvanians wear a mask anytime they go out of their homes for essential reasons, ahead of a CDC recommendation that he said would come soon. His announcement, made during a press briefing today, came shortly after Sec.of Health Dr. Rachel Levine announced that new cases of COVID-19 in Pennsylvania today numbered 1,404. “Pennsylvania is continuing to climb to the peak cases,” the governor said.

Gov. Tom Wolf dons a mask sewn by his wife, First Lady Frances, in a video posted to the governor’s social media accounts on Friday, April 3, 2020.
“Two days ago, I amplified our social distancing efforts by instituting a statewide stay-at-home order, and today I am asking all Pennsylvanians to wear a mask any time you leave your house,” Gov. Wolf said. “Masks help prevent people from sharing illnesses. They don’t do a great job at keeping people from getting sick; and they’re not foolproof, so it is critical that our first act is to ask ourselves if we really need to leave our house. If we don’t really, truly need to leave, then we shouldn’t.”

A woman hands out masks she made to volunteers at the Long Memorial United Methodist Church “Free Grocery Friday” food distribution in Lancaster hours after Gov.
Wolf announced all Pennsylvanians should wear a fabric mask when leaving their home for essential reasons on April 3, 2020. Photo by Lynn Rebuck/LititzDailyNews.com
“Some trips are unavoidable. We might need to go to the grocery store to get food. We might need to go to the pharmacy to pick up medication. We might need to get supplies to care for our pets. “Wearing a mask will help us cut down the possibility that we might be infecting an innocent bystander, like the grocery store cashier, the pharmacist, or someone stocking shelves,” Gov. Wolf said. “These folks are keeping us alive by getting us the supplies we need. We owe it to them to do everything we can to keep them safe. Right now, that means wearing a mask.”
“We also need to do our part to keep health care workers safe, and so I am asking everyone to lease reserve N95 and paper masks for these vital workers. Instead, use a cloth or a homemade mask. We have directions for making your own mask at health.pa.gov. The governor directed people search online for instructions on how to make a mask, or find out how to acquire one from a community member who is making them.
“Universal masking is expected to be recommended by the CDC shortly,” the governor said. “In Pennsylvania, we want to be ahead of the nation in slowing the spread of COVID-19. We don’t want to be behind it. And so far, I think we have been ahead of this curve. And that’s in part due to the willingness of most Pennsylvanians do the right thing.”
“But we know we still have a way to go to until we’re through this crisis. And if we want to come out of it with the most Pennsylvanians alive and the best economic prospects, we all need to continue to do our parts. So please, stay home, unless you absolutely cannot, and when you absolutely must leave home, wear a cloth mask.”
“Staying home is the most effective way to protect yourself and others against COVID-19,” Sec. of Health Dr. Rachel Levine said. “But, if you must go out because you are out of food or medication, then wearing a mask, or even a bandana across your nose and mouth, could be an extra layer of protection.”
“You don’t need a surgical mask – we need those for our health care workers and first responders. We have guidance on universal masking on our website, including instructions on how to make your own mask using materials you have at home.”
As of midnight, Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 cases stand at 8,420 in 63 counties with 102 deaths. Gov. Wolf’s statewide stay-at-home order asks Pennsylvanians in all 67 counties to not leave their homes unless it’s for life-sustaining reasons. Today, he asked that wearing a mask during those life-sustaining trips becomes the norm.
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For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, Pennsylvanians should visit: https://www.pa.gov/guides/responding-to-covid-19/.
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Lynn Rebuck is the editor and publisher of award-winning LititzDailyNews.com, the only independent digital news source in Lititz. Lynn is an award-winning photojournalist who was invited to the White House and has received top recognition from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association, Pennsylvania Women’s Press Association, National Society of Newspaper Columnists, and has been profiled in Editor & Publisher magazine for her unparalleled dedication to publishing LititzDailyNews.com to benefit the community.